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Rotherfield Primary School London home page

What Makes Us Special?

There are some very unique and special things about Rotherfield…


Stunning learning environment for children

We have been working on a classroom refurbishment programme, which is now complete.  All rooms have bespoke storage walls, new interactive screens, wifi capability, bespoke furniture and matting.  This means our classrooms are great places to learn!  We have a refurbished Sports Hall, a beautiful performing arts space with tiered seating, a computing suite, and a Music/Arts Studio.  Our dining hall has been refurbished to make an inspirational place for eating: round social tables, and artwork related to our menu on the walls.


The school provides an inspirational learning environment for children, demonstrating our high expectations of what they can achieve.


We have a new multi use games area outside too!


Small class sizes


The average class size at Rotherfield is 23.  Almost like a private school!


Subject Specialist staff


Our children are lucky to have 3 specialist staff working with them every week.  Specialists like ours are only usually available in private schools, but through working in partnership with Newington Green we can share the cost of such amazing specialist staff.


We offer specialist teaching in computing, music, and Spanish.  The quality of this teaching has been observed as outstanding by School Improvement Professionals.


Rotherfield out and about programme


We believe our children should have access to all the opportunities that are available to other children!  We have designed our out and about programme so that by the time children leave us in Y6 they would have had a rich experience of cultural trips and visits throughout their time at Rotherfield. For example trips to the opera, ballet, residential outward bound trips, museums, galleries, sports venues etc. 


High quality food offering cooked onsite by our Chefs in School team!


Free for all pupils, cooked onsite from scratch, using local ingredients, and linked to what the children are learning in lessons...what is not to love?


Our food offering is exceptional compared to other local schools.  We offer breakfast, lunch and after school hot meals, with the lunch offer being free to all pupils.  Our menu will be created by the children's food panel and our Chef, Tiago and his team.  It is linked to what we are learning about in school, is locally sourced and is designed to be as seasonal as possible, helping our planet.


Rotherfield Team

Our staff team are wonderful!  Many visitors and parents over the years have commented on the commitment and warmth of staff.  Our school staff work as a team to deliver the very best education for your children.  You will find us friendly, funny and united in that aim!